Here you can find the Index to the book “Hidden Village: Port Royal, Virginia 1744-1981” by Ralph Emmet Fall.  Scroll down to find your ancestor’s name.  If found, there will be a section about him or her in this book, which can be ordered from Historic Port Royal.

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Abercrombie, (Gen) John J.

Adams, Charles

Adams, Nelson

Adams, (Mrs.) Nelson

Addick, (Maj) Thomas H.

Agee, Earl

Agee, Eula

Alderson, James

Alexander, Anne

Alexander, John

Alexander, Sarah

Alexander, Susannah (Pearson)

Alexander, William R.

Allcocke, Thomas

Allcocke, William

Allen, (Capt)

Allen, Robert

Allison, Anne (Hooe)

Allison, Mary Seymour Hall

Ambold, Ernest A.

Amiss, Harry Dorsey

Amiss, Helen Courtney (Holloway)

Anderson, (The Rev.) Albert

Anderson, Florence

Anderson, H. W.

Anderson, Martha Boyd

Anderson, Ray

Anker, Cornelia

Anker, John

Apperson, Nancy

Archer, John

Archer, Linnaeus

Argall, Samuel

Armistead, Elizabeth

Armistead, Fanny

Armistead, John

Armistead, John Baylor

Armistead, Lucy (Baylor)

Armstrong, Helen (Hearn)

Artis, Florine (Byrd)

Ashby, John W.

Ashton, Arthur

Askins, Catherine Virginia

Askins, Charles

Askins, Charles A.

Askins, Elizabeth

Askins, William B.

Atkinson, Timothy

Attwood, William

Atwill, Daniel

Atwill, Helen Emily (Farnholt)

Augur, (Gen) Christopher C.

Ayres, Thomas


Bacon, Nathaniel

Bagnall, Benjamin, Jr.

Bainbridge, (Pvt.) Absalom R.

Baird, James

Baker, Lafayette C.

Baker, (Lieut) Luther B.

Ball, Fenton

Bankhead, Ann (Pyne)

Bankhead, Christian (Miller)

Bankhead, Ellen (Monroe)

Bankhead, Elizabeth

Bankhead, (Dr.) James

Bankhead, James II

Bankhead, James III

Bankhead, (Gen) James III

Bankhead, Jane (or Janet)

Bankhead, (Dr) John

Bankhead, Mary Warner (Lewis)


Bankhead, (Dr.) William

Banks, Berda (Cox)

Banks, Denise

Banks, (Capt) Gordon G.

Banks, Henry T. (Harry)

Banks, Jane

Banks, Judith

Banks, Laura Wyatt

Banks, Margaret (Whayland)

Banks, Richard Gordon

Banks, Ruth

Banks, Thomas W.

Barksdale, (Gen) William

Barnard, (Gen) John G.

Barton, Thomas B.

Bassett, (Col.) Burwell

Bassett, (Mrs.) Burwell

Bassett, Priscilla

Bassett, (Col.) William

Bastian, John

Bastian, Nicholas

Bastian, Ealey S.

Bastian, (Capt.) William

Battaile, Elizabeth

Battaile, Hay

Battaile, Lawrence

Battaile, (The Rev.) Lawrence

Battaile, (Mrs.) Lawrence

Battaile, Sarah Ryng

Bauder, Ezra

Bauder, Fanny Care

Bauder, Julia (Care)

Bauder, Mary L.

Baxter, John

Baylor, Betty

Baylor, Carrie Lou Johnson

Baylor, Courtenay

Baylor, Fanny

Baylor, Frances (Walker)

Baylor, George

Baylor, Gregory

Baylor, James E.

Baylor, Jane (Banks)

Baylor, Jennie Vee

Baylor, John

Baylor, John II

Baylor, John III

Baylor, John R.

Baylor, Lucy

Baylor, Lucy Todd (O’Brien)

Baylor, Robert

Baylor, Robert Waring

Baylor, Walker

Beardsley, (Maj) William E.

Beazley, (Capt) Matthew

Bell, Humphrey

Benham, (Gen) Henry W.

Benson, (Capt)

Bernard, Eliza Frances

Bernard, Fannie

Bernard, Helen Struan

Bernard, Jane Gay (Robertson)

Bernard, John Hipkins

Bernard, Lizzie

Bernard, Sarah Ann

Bernard, Sarah (Dykes)

Bernard, William

Bernard, William R.

Berry, George

Berryman, Maximilian

Berryman, Newton

Berryman, Thomas Newton

Beverley, Elizabeth (Bland)

Beverley, Harry (of Hazelwood)

Beverley, Harry (of Newlands)

Beverley, McKenzie

Beverley, Robert II (Historian)

Beverley, Robert (of Williamsburg)

Beverley, Robert Gaines

Beverley, Ursula (Byrd)

Beverley, William

Billingsley, J. A.

Binns, Ann (Alexander)

Binns, Charles

Black, George I.

Black, Laura M.

Blackford, Charles M.

Blackford, Susan L.

Blackley, Harrison

Blackley, Nellie (Hearn)

Bland, Elizabeth

Bland, Elizabeth (Randolph)

Bland, Richard

Bland, Robert E.

Blanton, Thomas

Blanton, Thomas H.

Blunt, (Capt.) Matthew M.

Blythe, B. G.

Bogle, John

Bogle, Robert

Bogle, Robert S.

Bogle, William

Booker, E. Derwin

Booker, Lucile Brockenbrough (Holloway)

Booker, Richard

Booth, John Wilkes

Bossart, M

Boswell, (Capt) James Keith

Boucher, Eleanor (Addison)

Boucher, Jinny

Boucher, (Parson) Jonathan

Boulware, Elizabeth

Boulware, George Thompson

Boulware, Jane (Cheatham)

Boulware, Lucy (Dickinson)

Boulware, Lucy Ellen (Boulware)

Boulware, Mark III

Boulware, Mark L. IV

Boulware, Mary Jane (Bowie)

Boulware, (Dr.) Muscoe

Boulware, Sally B.

Boulware, W. F.

Boulware, William

Boulware, William D.

Boulware, William J.

Boulware, William P.

Boutwell, Apollos

Boutwell, John

Boutwell, John T.

Bowcock, Anthony

Bowcock, Betty

Bowcock, James

Bowcock, (Capt) John

Bowe, Wythe D. Jr.

Bowen, John Gravatt

Bowen, Lucy Jacqueline (Gravatt)

Bowen, Mary Cary

Bowen, (Gen) Rees Tate

Bowers, (Capt.)

Bowers, J. S.

Bowers, Lois


Bowie, Allen Brockenbrough

Bowie, B

Bowie, Catherine

Bowie, Catherine Gilchrist (Miller)

Bowie, Catherine Miller

Bowie, Eleanor

Bowie, Elizabeth

Bowie, Elizabeth Lovell (Duncanson)

Bowie, James (bro. of John)

Bowie, James (of Croomes)

Bowie, James Jr.

Bowie, James (of John)

Bowie, Janette

Bowie, John (bro. of James)

Bowie, Judith (Catlett)

Bowie, Mary

Bowie, Mary Jane

Bowie, Sarah Alfonsa (Cox)

Bowie, Sarah (Skinker)

Bowie, Sarah Skinker

Bowling, Kenneth

Boyd, Robert

Bradley, Clink

Bradley, Madison

Bradley, Thornton

Brady, Matthew

Bramlit, William

Brand, John

Brand, John Jr.

Brigham, Lawrence S.

Brigham, Martha (Spencer) Young

Brock, Ann Fox

Brock, Joseph Jr.

Brock, Julia Ann

Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer

Brockenbrough, Catherine Augusta

Brockenbrough, Champe

Brockenbrough, Elizabeth Fauntleroy

Brockenbrough, Lucy Austin

Brockenbrough, Mary Metcalfe

Brockenbrough, Sarah Champe

Brockenbrough, Sarah Skinker (Bowie)


Brooke, Alexander T.

Brooke, Clarissa Jane

Brooke, Elizabeth (Booth)

Brooke, Harriet A.

Brooke, Harriet T.

Brooke, Harriet Thronton Catlett

Brooke, Lucy Garnett

Brooke, Maria W.

Brooke, Mary

Brooke, Robert

Brooke, Robert Jr

Brooke, William Hill

Brooke, William T.

Brooks, W. C.

Brown, Alexander

Brown, Annie Louise

Brown, Carl

Brown, Constantine

Brown, Cecil

Brown, Ethel

Brown, Henry T.

Brown, (Col) J. Thompson

Brown, James

Brown, John

Brown, Peach (Rogers)

Brown, Roland

Brown, Walter

Bruce, Charles “Bee” R.

Bruce, F. E.

Bruce, Gravatt

Bruce, Lucille

Bruce, William Robert

Brumby, Dorothy Eloise (Harris)

Bryan, Thomas

Bryce, (The Rev.) John

Bryce, Louisa S. B. (Care)

Buckley, Elise “Ellee” (Corbin)

Buckley, William M.

Buckner, Anthony

Buckner, (Maj) Colin

Buckner, Deborah (Ferrers)

Buckner, Dorothy

Buckner, Dorothy (Roy, II)

Buckner, (Mrs.) E.

Buckner, Elizabeth (Cooke)

Buckner, George

Buckner, Henry

Buckner, John (Immigrant)

Buckner, John II

Buckner, John A.

Buckner, Philip

Buckner, R. H. W.

Buckner, Richard

Buckner, Richard II

Buckner, Richard (of John)

Buckner, Washington

Buckner, William

Buckner, William A.

Bullock, David T.

Bullock, John T.

Bullock, Mary Catherine

Bullock, Richard

Bullock, William

Bundy, A. S.

Bundy, James

Bundy, John

Bundy, Reuben

Bundy, Sally

Burford, Luke

Burford, Sarah (Smith)

Burnside, (Gen) Ambrose E.

Burrows, Claude Melnot

Burrows, Elizabeth F.

Burrows, Gilchrist

Burrows, Imogene Lundsford

Burrows, L. F.

Burrows, Lucy B.

Burrows, Pauline

Burrows, Thomas O.

Burrows, William M.

Burruss, (Mrs.) C. M.

Burruss, Sonny

Burwell, James

Burwell, Lewis

Burwell, Nathaniel

Bush, Mary

Butler, (Parson) Amory

Butler, (Gen) Benjamin F.

Butler, Elizabeth (Upton) Slaughter Catlett

Butler, George G.

Butler, Lee D.

Butler, Margaret (Fine)

Butler, (Parson) William

Byrd, Anne

Byrd, Daisy (Purce)

Byrd, Embria L.

Byrd, Embria L. Jr.

Byrd, Kenneth

Byrd, Patricia

Byrd, Richard C.

Byrd, S.

Byrd, William II

Byrd, William W.


Cabell, (Dr.) William

Cadden, Ruth (Jeter)

Cain, (The Rev.) David

Cain, (The Rev.) Marlyne

Calamos, Nick G. Jr.

Callender, (Capt.) Eliezer

Callis, Robert H.

Callis, Walter L.

Cammack, Warwick

Campbell, (Parson) Archibald

Campbell, Charles

Campbell, James

Campbell, Mary (Roy)

Campbell, T. Elliott

Campbell, William

Campbell, (Col) William

Canady, George

Canady, Henry

Cannada, Henry

Cannada, Mary

Care, Ann Lewis

Care, Fannie B.

Care, Julia A.

Care, Louisa C.

Care, Louisa S.

Care, Margaret

Care, Margaret Meriweather (Garnett)

Care, Margaret Muse

Care, Philip

Care, Riter G.

Care, William R.

Carmichael, Daniel

Carmichael, Sally Ann (Kenner)

Carneal, W. P.

Carner, Henry W.

Carrick, Amanda

Carrick, Elizabeth

Carrick, Lucy T. (Farish)

Carrick, William

Carrick, William H.

Carrick, William H Jr.

Carrington, James

Carrington, Mary (Chinault)

Carson, J. P.

Carter, Albert

Carter, (Mrs.) A. F.

Carter, Andrew

Carter, Ann

Carter, Anne (Byrd)

Carter, Augusta A.

Carter, (Capt)

Carter, Charles (of Cleve)

Carter, Charles (of Shirley)

Carter, (Dr.)

Carter, Elizabeth (Landon Willis)

Carter, Grace

Carter, H. M.

Carter, Hill

Carter, Hiram

Carter, (The Rev.) Jesse

Carter, John

Carter, (Col) John (of Cleve)

Carter, (Sec) John

Carter, Lucy (Taliaferro)

Carter, Madison

Carter, (Mrs.)

Carter, (Mrs.) Madison

Carter, Margaret (Chandler)

Carter, Maria

Carter, Mary (Walker)

Carter, Robert A.

Carter, Robert “King”

Carter, R. S.

Carter, (Capt) T. H.

Carter, William Hamilton

Catlett, Alice (Gibson)

Catlett, Anna Eliza

Catlett, Anna Gordon

Catlett, Ann

Catlett, Colin Buckner

Catlett, Eleanor (Johnson)

Catlett, Eliza “Lizzie” Fitzhugh

Catlett, Elizabeth

Catlett, Elizabeth (Fitzhugh)

Catlett, Elizabeth (Gaines)

Catlett, Elizabeth (Taliferro)

Catlett, Elizabeth (Upton) Slaughter

Catlett, Ellen Rowe (Thornton)

Catlett, (Miss) E. T.

Catlett, George

Catlett, George Washington

Catlett, George Washington Jr.

Catlett, George William

Catlett, Harriet Thornton

Catlett, (Dr.) James S.

Catlett, John (in England)

Catlett, (Col) John (Immigrant)

Catlett, John II

Catlett, John III

Catlett, John IV

Catlett, John Gibson

Catlett, Judith

Catlett, Lucy Beverley (Buckner)

Catlett, Lucy Garnett (Brooke)

Catlett, Margaret

Catlett, Mary R.

Catlett, Mary E. S.

Catlett, Mary (Grayson)

Catlett, Patrick (or Peter R.)

Catlett, Patrick R.

Catlett, Patsie Julie

Catlett, Rebecca

Catlett, Robert Gilchrist Robb

Catlett, Robert Maurice

Catlett, Rosalie

Catlett, Sarah (in England)

Catlett, Sarah (of John I)

Catlett, Thomas

Catlett, William

Catlett, William Aylett

Catlett, William F.

Catlett, Willie Ann


Cavins (Col) Elijah H. C.

Chambers, Abraham

Chambers, Mary (Dawson)

Chambers, Nancy

Chandler, A. B.

Chandler, Thomas Coleman

Chandler, William T.

Charles, (Lomax Coachman)

Chase, James

Chase, Sarah

Chevis, Francis

Chew, Ann (Fox)

Chew, Hannah (Roy)

Chew, (Capt) John

Chew, Larkin

Chew, Mary (Beverley)

Chinault, Mary

Christie, (Capt.) Charles Albert

Christie, Lois (Bowers)

Christie, Loren

Christie, Paul

Christie, Sharon

Christie, Sue (Hearn)

Claiborne, (Col.) Philip Whitehead

Clarke, Colin D.

Clarke, Ealey S. (Bastin)

Clarke, John Lyle

Clarke, Joseph B.

Clarke, Oswald B.

Clarke, Plimy

Clarke, Powhatan

Clarke, Thomas

Clarke, Virginia A.

Clator, Lorenzo

Clator, Lucy A. (Long)

Clayton, (Mrs.) (Dawson)

Clayton, Philip

Clendenin, (Col.) David R.

Cleveland, (Pres) Stephen Grover

Coale, (Col.) John H.

Coats, James

Cochran, (Col.)

Cocke, Emma

Cocke, (Col.) Philip St. George

Coghill, Smallwood

Coghill, Thomas H.

Coleman, Francis

Coleman, Thomas B.

Collawn, John W. S.

Collier, A. J. S.

Collineau, Jean

Collins, Ann

Collins, (Col)

Collins, Dick W.

Collins, Matthew

Collins, W.

Colquitt, (Gen.) A. H.

Combes, John

Conduitt, James

Cogner, (Col.) Everton J.

Conness, Leland Stanford Huntington

Conness, Martha Rosalie (Thornton)

Conway, A. H.

Conway, Elanor Rose “Nelly”

Conway, Francis I.

Conway, Lewis D.

Conway, (Mrs.) L. H.

Conway, (Capt.) Robert

Cooke, Mordecai

Cooper, (Capt)

Cooper, Elizabeth “Bettie”

Cooper, Elizabeth Moore

Cooper, George

Cooper, Jane

Cooper, John

Cooper, Mildred (Armistead)

Cooper, Nancy

Corbett, (Sgt.) Boston (and photo)

Corbin, Gatchell

Corbin, (Col.) Gawin

Corbin, James Parke

Corbin, James Parke, Jr.

Corbin, Jane Catherine (Wellford)

Corbin, Kate

Corbin, Nettie

Corbin, Richard

Corbin, Ruth (Andrews) Powers

Corbin, Thomas

Corbin, Wellford

Corne, Peter

Cornman, (Dr.) Ivor

Cornman, Margaret (Evans)

Coutts, Leslie

Coutts. John

Coutts, Patrick

Coutts, Reuben

Coutts, William

Covington, Richard

Covington, William Jr.

Cox, Downing

Coxe, Sam

Craigie, James

Crawford, Andrew

Crawford, Ben

Crawford, Dorthea (Morton)

Crawford, John

Cropper, Leon

Cross, (Col.)

Cross, David

Cross, John

Crump, B. T.

Crutchfield, Stapelton

Crummines, Ethel

Crummines, Samuel

Cummings, Phoebe

Cummings, John

Cunningham, Robert

Currell, Robert

Cushen, Nancy Jane (Greer)

Cushen, (The Rev.) Samuel

Custis, Daniel Parke

Custis, John

Custis, John “Jackie” Parke

Cyrus, H. C.

Cyrus, (The Rev.) James H. A.


Dade, Mary Ogle

Daingerfield, Anna Maria (Dandridge)

Daingerfield, Bathurst

Daingerfield, Edwin

Daingerfield, (Col.) William

Daingerfield, William Allen

Dally, John R.

Dally, Sophia

Dalpeach, (Mr.)

Danerley, Edward

Daniel, John

Daniel, Thomas

Danner, John

Danner, Reuben

Davis, (Col.)

Davis, (Capt.) Daniel Moncure

Davis, E. Conway

Davis, Genevieve (Powers)

Davis, James Conway

Davis, (Pres) Jefferson

Davis (Capt.) John D.

Davis, (The Rev.) William

Dawes, (Capt.) Joseph D.

Dawson, John “Beau”

Dawson, Mary

Dawson, Mary (Waugh)

Dawson, Nanny

Dawson, (Parson) Musgrove

Dawson, Priscilla (Bassett)

Dawson, (Commissary) Thomas

Dawson, (Commissary) William

Dean, Harold

Dean, Hensley (Jefferson)

DeBow, J. D.  B.

deBruin, Lena R. (Hicks)

deBruin, Milton

DeJarnette, Annie Brown

DeJarnette, Daniel

DeJarnette, (Dr.) Joseph Spencer


Del Cardayre, John

Del Cardayre, Mildred Perkins (Hardin)

Denholm, Alexander

Dennis, Elizabeth (Pearson)

Dennis, John

Dennis, Joseph

Dew, Benjamin Franklin

Dew, Betty Virginia (Quisenberry)

DiCesnola (Col.) Louis P.

Dickerson, Bettie

Dickerson, Caroline

Dickerson, Edwin

Dickerson, Elizabeth

Dickerson, Ethel

Dickerson, Florence

Dickerson, Gladys

Dickerson, James

Dickerson, Johnny

Dickerson, Libbie

Dickerson, Mamie

Dickerson, Oscar

Dickerson, Ray

Dickerson, Richard

Dickerson, Ruth

Dickerson, Sarah

Dickerson, William

Dickerson, William Stokes

Dickinson, Andrew G.

Dickinson, Bee

Dickinson, James E.

Dickinson, Nettie (Corbin)

Dickinson, Phyllis Sue (Gouldman)

Dickinson, R.

Dickinson, (Dr.) Samuel C.

Dickinson, William

Dickinson, William I

Digges, (Col.)


Dixon, Alice (Fitzhugh)

Dixon, Anthony

Dixon, Dorcas (Tankersley)

Dixon, (Capt.) Edward

Dixon, Harry

Dixon, Maria (Turner)

Dixon, Richard

Dixon, Sarah (Turner)

Dixon, Turner

Dodsmead, George M.

Doherty, (Lieut.) Edward F.

Doles, (Gen.) George

Doniphan, George

Doniphan, Sarah Jane

Dorsey, Estelle (Purce)

Douglass, John

Downing, Edward

Downman, James H.

Downman, Joseph

Drake, L. A.

Draper, (Col.) A. G.

Driscoll, Bernard Iddings

Driscoll, Bernard Iddings, Jr.

Driscoll, Blanche (Bean)

Driscoll, Michael C.

Driscoll, Patricia B.

Drummond, Ann (Fox)

Drummond, Nancy (Johnston)

Drummond, William

Dudley, Robert

Duerson, Janette (Bowie)

Duerson, Joseph

Dugan, Ann

Duncanson, Elizabeth Lovell

Duncanson, Julia Y.

Dunlop, Collin

Dunlop, Elizabeth

Dunlop, Ellen Bankhead

Dunlop, James

Dunlop, Jane Johnston

Dunlop, Janet (Bankhead)

Dunlop, Martha Boyd

Dunlop, Sarah Henderson

Dunlop, Shirley (Blagmon)

Dunlop, William


Early, (Gen) Jubal

Easten, John

Eaton, George

Edge, John

Edge, Molly

Edge, Samuel

Edmundson, Joseph

Edwards, Ella Virginia (Garrett)

Edwards, George W.

Edwards, J. E.

Edwards, (Capt.) John Jr.

Edwards, Mary

Edwards, Mary E.

Edwards, Nannie B.

Edwards, William

Eggleston, Joseph W.

Eldridge, Erwin J.

Elliott, John

Elliott, Samuel

Ennis, Mary

Ennis, Pinckney Gibbs

Enos, Bettie (Hicks)

Estes, (Col.) John B.

Estes, Susanna Harriet S.

Evans, Edward

Evans, John

Evans, Rees

Evans, Sally

Evans, Thomas

Evins, John

Exner, John C.


Fagan, Manus

Fairbanks, (Capt.)

Fairfax, Randolph

Fairfax, William

Fall, David Price Brady

Fall, Elizabeth (Stambaugh)

Fall, Mary Druscilla Rose

Fall, (The Rev.) Ralph E.

Farinholt, Emily

Farinholt, Eugene

Fairnholt, J. L.

Farinholt, (Mrs.) J. L.

Farinholt, John Keirle

Farinholt, Maria (Keirle)

Farinholt, Robert B.

Farinholt, Sarah Elizabeth

Farinholt, William

Farinholt, William Henry

Farish, Anna Louise (Holloway)

Farish, Corinne (Gaines)

Farish, Eloise Early (Garth)

Farish, George B.

Farish, George Everett

Farish, George H.

Farish, H. S.

Farish, J. B.

Farish, John Dillard

Farish, Lelia Wade (Holloway)

Farish, Robert Vivian

Farish, Royston Amiss

Farish, Steven

Farish, Thomas B.

Farish, William

Farish, William Berkeley

Farmer, Eugene

Farmer, Francis

Farmer, S. F.

Fauntleroy, Moore

Fauntleroy, Robert B.

Fauntleroy, William L.

Ferguson, (Capt.)

Ferrero, (Gen) Edward

Ficklin, George

Ficklin, Jane Johnston (Dunlop)

Fisher, Cleveland

Fisher, Mary

Fisk, C. B.

Fitzhugh, Alfred B. (or Alphaeus)

Fitzhugh, Augusta Brockenbrough

Fitzhugh, Augustine (Austin)

Fitzhugh, Emily (Emma) Elliott

Fitzhugh, Francis

Fitzhugh, Francis Jr.

Fitzhugh, George

Fitzhugh, George Jr.

Fitzhugh, (Dr.) George

Fitzhugh, (The Rev.) George Stuart

Fitzhugh, Georgina Smith

Fitzhugh, Harriet S.

Fitzhugh, Henry

Fitzhugh, James Eugene

Fitzhugh, Lucinda Stuart

Fitzhugh, Lucy Ann (Estes)

Fitzhugh, Lucy (Stuart)

Fitzhugh, Marcellus T.

Fitzhugh, Mary Ella (Mariella)

Fitzhugh, Mary Metcalfe (Brockenbrough)

Fitzhugh, Robert Hunter

Fitzhugh, Sarah A.

Fitzhugh, Susannah (Cooke)

Fitzhugh, Willietta Brown

Fleming, Alexander

Fleming, Robert

Fletcher, James

Fletcher, (Capt.) Willaim

Floyd, James F.

Foot, (Dr.) Malichi

Ford, J. R.

Foristle, G. B.

Fortune, Armistead

Fortune, Elizabeth

Fortune, Frances

Fortune, Gladys (Dickerson)

Fortune, Oliver C.

Foster, Henry J.

Foster, James

Foster, M. A.

Foster, Mariella (Fitzhugh)

Foster, Partricia B. (Driscoll)

Foster, Patrick Lee

Foster, Richard H.

Foster, Richard H. Jr.

Fothergill, Augusta B.

Fowler, William C.

Fox, Ann (Roy)

Fox, George

Fox, Mattie (or Matty)

Fox, (Capt.) William

Fox, Younger

Frank, Fenton F.

Frank, Phenelia

Frank, William

Frank, William W.

Frazier, James

French, Ansel

Friend, Anna Colton  (Tiffey)

Friend, (The Rev.) William

Frohme, Polly


Gaines, Daniel

Gaines, Elizabeth

Gaines, Jane C. (Spindle)

Gaines, (Dr.) William F.

Gale, Mathias

Galt, G. A. D.

Gannon, (Mrs.) Frank III

Gardiner, Harold

Garnett, Apphia Fauntleroy

Garnett, Ella M.

Garnett, Fannie B. (Care)

Garnett, George J. J.

Garnett, Lewis H.

Garnett, Margaret Meriweather

Garnett, Peggy

Garnett, R. L.

Garnett, William F.

Garnett, Fanny

Garnett, Frances (Holloway)

Garnett, Hortense (photo credit)

Garrett, Isabella A.

Garrett, John “Jack” M.

Garrett, Lucille

Garrett, Lynn

Garrett, Reuben

Garrett, Richard Henry (with photo)

Garrett, Robert

Garratt, William

Gartsboro, John

Gaskins, Henry L.

Gatewood, Gloria

Gatewood, John

Gautieu, Antione

George, (Capt)

George, Leonard

George, Mary F.

Gibbs, Alexander C.

Gibbs, Aubrey G.

Gibbs, C. B.

Gibbs, Charles E.

Gibbs, Christianna S.

Gibbs, Elizabeth “Betty” S.

Gibbs, Gilbert

Gibbs, John H.

Gibbs, Mary S.

Gibbs, Sophia B.

Gibson, Alice

Gibson, (Col.) Augustus A.

Gibson, (Dr.)

Gibson, (Bishop) Edmund

Gibson, Herbert G.

Gibson, Jonathan

Gibson, Sarah (Dickerson)

Gilchrist, Catherine (Miller)

Gilchrist, John

Gilchrist, Robert

Gillespie, (Col.) F. J.

Gillett, John

Gittings, John S.

Glanton, John

Glascock, Richard

Glover, Thomas

Goble, Robert

Godfrey, John

Goldsmith, Oliver

Goodloe, German

Goodman, John

Goodrich, (The Rev.) Charles D. D.

Goodrich, (Col.) E. R.

Goodwin, Thomas

Gordon, Basil

Gordon, Evelyn May (Dickinson)

Gordon, Fannie Corbin

Gordon, (Gen)

Gordon, Lucy Penn (Taylor)

Gordon, Robert Voss

Gordon, Samuel

Gouge, Elizabeth

Gouge, James

Gouldin, Betty (Pryor)

Gouldin, Eddie

Gouldin, Elizabeth

Gouldin, Emma

Gouldin, James

Gouldin, Jennie (Mercer)

Gouldin, John

Gouldin, (Dr.) Thomas

Gouldin, Thomas W.

Gouldin, Tom

Gouldman, Andrew Jackson “Capt. Jack”

Gouldman, Charles M.

Gouldman, Edith “Kay”

Gouldman, Ella Virginia “Virgie” (Edwards)

Gouldman, Florence (Edwards)

Gouldman, Henry B.

Gouldman, Izora

Gouldman, James

Gouldman, James Edward

Gouldman, Joan

Gouldman, Lewis Edward “Nick”

Gouldman, Martha (Turner)

Gouldman, Phyllis Sue

Gouldman, Richard

Gouldman, Thomas

Graham, Duncan

Grammer, Christopher

Grammer, Elizabeth

Grant, (Gen) Ulysses S.

Gravatt, Anne Cary

Gravatt, Charles Marshall

Gravatt, Charles Marshall Jr.

Gravatt, Charles Urquhart

Gravatt, (Dr.) Charles Urquhart

Gravatt, Ellis

Gravatt, Emily

Gravatt, Florence (Marshall)

Gravatt, India Wray (Jones)

Gravatt, (Dr.) John James

Gravatt, (The Rev.) John J. II

Gravatt, Lucy (Timberlake)

Gravatt, Mary

Gravatt, Mary Cary Ambler

Gravatt, Mary Eliza (Smith)

Gravatt, Mary Elizabeth

Gravatt, Mary Jane

Gravatt, Reuben

Gravatt, Sidney Peyton

Gravatt, Thomas E.

Gravatt, Thomas Peyton

Gravatt, (Bishop) William Loyall

Gravatt, William Loyall Jr.

Gray, Ann Lewis

Gray, Caroline (Dickerson)

Gray, Caroline V.

Gray, Charles A.

Gray, Elizabeth

Gray, Elizabeth A.

Gray, Elizabeth (Rowe)

Gray, Ellen C.

Gray, Emma L.

Gray, Evelina P.

Gray, Hammond

Gray, Isabella (Bowie)

Gray, Isabella (of Wm.)

Gray, Isabella (of Wm., Jr)

Gray, James

Gray, John

Gray, Lucy (Robb)

Gray, Lucy Roy (Miller)

Gray, Mary Frances

Gray, Reuben

Gray, Robert H.

Gray, Robert L.

Gray, William

Gray, William (of Scotland)

Gray, William Jr.

Gray, William F.

Gray, William H.

Gray, William M.

Green, Frances Powers (Holloway)

Green, Francis Cary

Green, Henry

Gregory, (Capt.) Asa

Gregory, Richard K.

Gregory, William H. H.

Griffin, Ann (Thomas)

Griffin, John

Griffin, Thomas

Griffith, Frederick

Grigsby, J.C.

Grimes, (Col.) B. Ryan

Grimes, Hiram

Grimshaw, (Col.) Arthur H.

Grinnall, William

Grymes, Alice (Townley)

Grymes, Ann

Grymes, (Parson) Charles

Grymes, Edward

Grymes, (Maj) John

Grymes, Rosalie (Rosa)

Guinney, Michael

Guthrie, Thomas

Gutridge, Annie

Gutridge, Henry

Gutridge, James

Gutridge, L. D.

Gutridge, Leonard

Gutridge, Loulie S.

Gutridge, L. S.

Gutridge, Lucy V.

Gutridge, Olivia

Gutridge, S. V.

Gutridge, Samuel P.

Gutridge, William D.


Hackett, James

Hackett, John

Hackley, James

Hall, Archibald

Hall, James O.

Hall, Yvonne (Stout)

Halleck, (Gen.) Henry W.

Halliburton, Richard

Hampton, (Gen.) Wade

Hancock, (Gen) Winfield S.

Hansbrough, Burgess H.

Hansford, Stephen

Hardaway, (Capt.) R. A.

Hardin, Lucy

Harkness (architect)

Harnsberger, John I.

Harris, Charlotte Ann

Harris, Clement Marion

Harris, Clement Marshall

Harris, Dorothy Eloise

Harris, Elizabeth

Harris, Estelle

Harris, James Carroll Overton

Harris, John Coleman

Harris, Louise (Moore)

Harris, Mary (McLaughlin)

Harris, Maude Estelle (Collawn)

Harris, Nathaniel W.

Harris, (Dr.) Rogers Newton

Harris, Rose

Harris, Thomas Aubrey

Harris, Thomas Aubrey Jr.

Harris, Virginia Dare

Harrison, Andrew

Harrison, Andrew Jr.

Harrison, Charles

Harrison, (Capt.)

Harrison, James W.

Harrower, John

Hartnell, Samuel

Harwood, (Com.) Andrew A.

Hawes, Thomas M.

Hawkesworth, William

Hawkins, Thomas

Hay, John

Haynes, Elwood

Hazzard, Joseph

Hazelwood, Ann (Robinson)

Hazelwood, Elizabeth (Robinson)

Heard, William

Hearn, Brothers

Hearn, C. K.

Hearn, Etta (Bruce)

Hearn, Katherine (Edwards)

Hearn, Lucy

Hearn, Mary K.

Hearn, Samuel Batson

Hearn, William S.

Hendricks, Benjamin F.

Hendricks, J. S.

Henman, Thomas

Henry, Edward H. Jr.

Henry, Latney G.

Henshaw, Ida B.

Henshaw, Philip

Hepburn, Elizabeth

Herald, John N.

Herbert, Clement

Herold, David E.

Hicks, C. Flippo

Hicks, Clarence Flippo

Hicks, Henry (Benjamin)

Hicks, Joan Elizabeth

Hicks, Lena R.

Hicks, Mary (Ennis)

Hicks, Neil (Jones)

Hicks, Robert “Bob”

Hicks, William

Hicks, Wirt T.

Hicks, (Mrs.) Wirt T.

Hilbus, Jacob

Hildrup, John

Hildrup, Maryann (Johnston)

Hildrup, Robert

Hill, Alice N.

Hill, Berryman T.

Hill, (Col.)

Hill, (Gen.) Daniel H.

Hill, James

Hill, John

Hill, Lawson W.

Hill, Mary

Hill, R. P.

Hill, Thomas J.

Hipkins, Elizabeth (Pratt)

Hipkins, Fanny

Hipkins, John

Hipkins, Leroy

Hipkins, Sally

Hipkins, Sarah (Bohannon)

Hoke, (Gen) Robert F.

Holloway, Anna Louise

Holloway, Byrd Royston

Holloway, Cleveland Amiss

Holloway, Cleveland Breonard

Holloway, Eliza Spindle (Amiss)

Holloway, Estelle

Holloway, Fanny Corbin (Gordon)

Holloway, Forrest Byrd

Holloway, Frances Brockenbrough (Powers)

Holloway, Frances Powers

Holloway, Gladys Howland (Ashton)

Holloway, Helen Courtney

Holloway, Joanne (Royston)

Holloway, (Dr.) Joseph Minor

Holloway, Joseph Minor Jr.

Holloway, Lelia Wade

Holloway, Lucile Brockenbrough

Holloway, Lucinda K. B.

Holloway, Robert Esmond

Holloway, Robert Gordon

Holloway, Robert Green

Holloway, (Dr.) Robert Green Jr.

Holloway, Rosina Gertrude (Powers)

Holloway, Virginia

Holloway, William Thomas

Hooker, John P.

Hooker, (Gen.) Joseph

Hooker, Mary (Enslie)

Hoomes, John

Hord, (The Rev.) Arnold Harris

Hord, Elizabeth T.

Hord, John

Hord, Lucy

Hord, Robert

Hord, Sarah E.

Hord, Sarah J. S.

Hord, Thomas

Howard, (Col.) Henry J.

Howard, Margaret D.

Howard, Ogden

Howard, Peter

Howard, Thomas Lee

Howard, (Mrs.) William K.

Howe, (Gen.) Albion P.

Howe, (Mr.)

Howison, Henry

Hoyt, (The Hon.) Austin

Hoyt, Margaret (Carter)

Hudgin, John M.

Hudgins, Charles M.

Huger, Eustis

Humphrey, R. W.

Humphries, (Gen.) Andrew A.

Humphries, R. W.

Hunt, (Gen.) Henry J.

Hunter, (Gen.)

Hunter, Lucy (Tennant)

Hunter, Maria (Tennant)

Hunter, Taliaferro

Hunter, (Dr.) Thomas Lomax

Hunter, Thomas S.

Hurt, Branch T.

Hutchins, John


Ignalls, (Gen.) Rufus

Iverson, (Gen.) Alfred


Jackson, C. G.

Jackson, Catherine V.

Jackson, Edward

Jackson, Edward G.

Jackson, Eliza A.

Jackson, Harriet

Jackson, James

Jackson, James L.

Jackson, James W.

Jackson, John T.

Jackson, Julia

Jackson, Lucy

Jackson, Lucy A.

Jackson, Martha

Jackson, Mary

Jackson, Mary E.

Jackson, Mary (Willis)

Jackson, Matilda

Jackson, Patsy

Jackson, Sarah J.

Jackson, Spencer

Jackson, Thomas

Jackson, (Gen.) Thomas J. “Stonewall”

James, Ann

James, (Dr.) John Sr.

Jameson, James

Jameson, Morton

Janney, Aquilla

Janney, Elisha

Jefferson, Alice

Jefferson, Arthur V.

Jefferson, Carrie

Jefferson, Charles W.

Jefferson, Elizabeth

Jefferson, Howard

Jefferson, James

Jefferson, Margaret

Jefferson, Margaret II

Jefferson, Matilda

Jefferson, Millie

Jefferson, Morton

Jefferson, Nancy

Jefferson, Rosalie

Jefferson, Silas

Jefferson, Silas Jr.

Jefferson, (Pres.) Thomas

Jefress, (Col.) Edward T.

Jefress, Mary (Gravatt)

Jenkins, Elsie (Ambrose)

Jenkins, William  W.

Jerman, W. B.

Jeter, Howell

Jeter, Howell Jr.

Jeter, Martha

Jeter, Mary

Jeter, Molly

Jeter, Polly

Jeter, Ruth

Jeter, William

Jett, Birkenhead

Jett, Charles

Jett, Henry T.

Jett, Jeremiah B.

Jett, (The Rev.) Robbie

Jett, (Dr.) William N.

Jett, (Pvt.) Willie

Johnson, Chastain

Johnson, David Lee

Johnson, Ellis

Johnson, Jessie Pearl

Johnson, (Pres.) Lyndon B.

Johnson, Nannie C. (Tiffey)

Johnson, Robert

Johnson, Robert Jr

Johnson, Stonewall

Johnson, Thomas

Johnson, William

Johnson, (Maj.) William James

Johnston, Ann

Johnston, Ann(e) (Chew)

Johnston, Anne (Flint)

Johnston, Benjamin

Johnston, Carter Lee Everett

Johnston, Charles L.

Johnston, Charles Smith

Johnston, David F.

Johnston, David F, Jr.

Johnston, Elizabeth (Winn)

Johnston, Gideon

Johnston, Hannah (or Nancy) (Chew)

Johnston, James

Johnston, Lucy Ann (Overton)

Johnston, Martha

Johnston, Maryann

Johnston, (Mrs.)

Johnston, Nancy (Mrs. Wm)

Johnston, Nancy (Bell)

Johnston, Nancy (of Robert)

Johnston, Nancy Jane (Greer)

Johnston, Philip

Johnston, Philip P.

Johnston, Rebecca Paige

Johnston, Robert

Johnston, William

Johnston, (Capt.) William, M.D.

Jones, Cadwallader

Jones, (Capt.)

Jones, Charles S.

Jones, (Maj.) H. P.

Jones, James, Jr.

Jones, John

Jones, Joseph

Jones, Lewis

Jones, Molly

Jones, (Parson) Owen

Jones, Rebeccah

Jones, Robert

Jones, Stephen I.

Jones, William I.

Jones, W. S.


Jordan, Alton

Jordan, B. M.

Jordan, Dewey

Jordan, Letitia (Hall)

Jordan, T. J.

Junys, Jeremiah

Justice, (Lieut.) Jefferson


Kanady, George

Kanady, Henry

Kanady, Sarah B.

Kane, John

Kay, Elizabeth

Kay, James

Kay, John

Kay, Joseph W.

Kay, Mary E.

Kay, Mildred (see also “Key”)

Kay, Robert

Kay, Robert Jr.

Kay, Rosalie

Keech, Alexander A. C. T.

Keeling, George

Keirle, John W.

Keister, Josephine (Morgan)

Keister, Walter Jackson

Kendrick, Andrew J.

Kennedy, Laura (Toombs)

Kennedy, William E.

Kenner, Elizabeth (Rodham)

Kenner, Jennie (Burke)

Kenner, Judith (Beverley)

Kenner, Richard

Kenner, (Parson) Rodham

Kenner, (Parson) Rodham, Jr.

Kennon, William Henry

Key, Elizabeth

Key, Frank

Key, Katherine

Key, Lucy

Key, Mack

Key, Martha

Key, Mary E.

Key, Mildred (Cooper) (see also “Kay”)

Key, Spencer

Key, William

Kille, (Capt.)

Kimball, Charles Edward

Kimball, Sigismunda (Stribling)

King, George H. S.

King, J. H.

King, John

King, (Capt.) Walter

King George II

King George III

King Louis XIV

Kirle, Robert

Kirwan, (Capt.) William B.

Krauss, Charles

Krauss, Charles T.

Krauss, George W.

Krauss, John

Krauss, Lucinda

Krauss, Mary A.

Krauss, Sophia


LaFayette, Marquis de, (Fr. General)

Landrum, (Parson) Thomas

Landrum, (Dr.) Thomas II.

Lane, Thomas

Langland, John

Latane, William

Laufman, Alan (photo credit)

Lawless, Michael

Lawrence, Elizabeth E.

Lawrence, H. G.

Lawrence, John G.

Lawrence, Virginia

Leaventhrope, (Col.)

Leckie, Alice

Leckie, Andrew

Ledbetter, (Dr.) M. H.

Lederer, John (expedition)

Lee, Clara Lorraine (Blagmon)

Lee, Edmund J.

Lee, (The Rev.) J. Keith M.

Lee, (Gen.) Robert E.

Lee, Thomas

Lee, (Gen.) William H. F.

Lefoe, John F.

Lennon, Robert L.

Lenox, Robert

Levesque, Oliver

Lewis, Charles

Lewis, Charles A.

Lewis, Charles A., Jr.

Lewis, Fielding

Lewis, John

Lewis, John (of England)

Lewis, Lucy

Lewis, (Mr.)

Lewis, (The Rev.)

Lewis, Thomas M.

Lightbourne, (Lyburn) Stafford

Lightfoot, Emiline

Lightfoot, F. B.

Lightfoot, Harriet

Lightfoot, Harriet A.

Lightfoot, Herbert C.

Lightfoot, John Bernard

Lightfoot, John Bernard, Jr.

Lightfoot, Lewis H.

Lightfoot, Philip (of Cedar Creek)

Lightfoot, Philip (of Townfield)

Lightfoot, Philip H.

Lightfoot, (Dr.) Philip Lewis

Lightfoot, Rosalie V.

Lightfoot, Sally Savin (Bernard)

Lightfoot, Sally Virginia

Lightfoot, William

Lightfoot, William Bernard

Lincoln, (Pres.) Abraham

Lindsay, Charles

Lindsay, (Lady) Hadow

Lindsay, James

Lindsay, (Capt.) John

Lindsay, (Col.)

Livingston, William H.

Locklerr, Donna Marie

Locklerr, (Sgt.) James J.

Lomax, Ann Corbin (Tayloe)

Lomax, Elizabeth (Wormeley)

Lomax, John

Lomax, Judith

Lomax, Judith (Micou)

Lomax, Lunsford

Lomax, Mary (Edwards)

Lomax, Mary “Polly”

Lomax, (Mrs.)

Lomax, Rebecca Tayloe

Lomax, Thomas

Lomax, Thomas Lunsford

Long, Benjamin

Long, Gabriel

Long, John

Long, Lucy A.

Long, Richard

Loving, J. L.

Lowe, (Prof.) T. S. C.

Lucas, Ann

Lucas, Charles

Lucas, Edwin

Lucas, Harriet

Lucas, Henry

Lucas, Margaret (Underwood)

Lucas, Mary (Rodgers)

Lucas, Samuel

Lucas, Samuel, Jr.

Lucas, Thomas, St.

Lucas, William

Lucinda (Lomax housekeeper)

Lumpkin, Ann “Annie” S.

Lumpkin, Anna P. “Annie B.”

Lumpkin, Elisa

Lumpkin, Ellen “Helen C.”

Lumpkin, Joseph

Lumpkin, Joseph B.

Lumpkin, Maggie H.

Lumpkin, Nellie B.

Lumpkin, Thomas D.

Lundsford, (Sir) Thomas

Lyburn, (Lightburn) (Capt.) Henry

Lyburn, Richard

Lyburn, Stafford

Lynch, Head

Lyne, (Capt.) William

Lyon, George P.

Lyon, I. E. (Moore)

Lyon, James Alexander

Lyons, Ann

Lyons, John


Machon, Henry

MacCord, (Col.) Howard A.

Madison, Ambrose

Madison, Frances (Taylor)

Madison, (Bishop) James

Madison, James, Sr.

Madison, (Pres.) James

Madison, Nelly (Conway)

Magaw, (Com.) Samuel

Magruder, Allen B.

Magruder, Eliza

Magruder, Elizabeth (Betsie) Bankhead

Magruder, (Capt.) George A.

Magruder, (Gilliam)

Magruder, Henrietta (Van Kapff)

Magruder, Isabel

Magruder, Janetta

Magruder, (Maj. Gen.) John Bankhead

Magruder, Julianna

Magruder, Thomas

Magruder, (Timberlake)

Magruder, William

Matheson, (Mathewson) John W.

Matthews, Alice (Turner)

Matthews, Susan R.

Matthews, William B.

May, (Dr.) John

May, Susan (Tennant)

May, William

Mays, David J.

McAlister, (Mr.)

McCall, Samuel

McCalley, Elizabeth

McCalley, John

McCarty, Albert

McCay, Anna

McCay, (Parson) William

McClellan, (Gen.) George B.

McCrea, (Com.) E. P.

McDaniel, Daniel

McDaniel, Harriet S. (Fitzhugh)

McDaniel, John

McDaniel, William

McDowney, Ann

McDowney, Peggy

McGrail, Paul

McGuire, (The Rev.) Edward C.

McGuire, (Dr.) Hunter

McGuire, (The Rev.) John Peyton

McKay, Catherine (Tankersley)

McKay, Harrison

McKenn(e)y, Alexander

McKinney, William


McKinny, Sally B. (Boulware)

McLaws, (Gen.) Lafayette

McNamara, John S.

McParlin, (Dr.) Thomas A.

McPherson, Archibald

McPherson, Duncan

McPherson, Elizabeth

Meade, (Gen.) George G.

Meade, (Bishop) William

Meades, Thomas

Meders, John

Megis, (Gen.) Montgomery C.

Meneely, Andrew

Meneely, Clinton

Meneely, Edwin

Meneely, George

Mercer, Catherine (Mason)

Mercer, George

Mercer, (Gen.) Hugh

Mercer, James

Mercer, Jennie

Mercer, John

Merchant, Rufus B.

Micou, Catherine (Walker)

Micou, James

Micou, (Capt.) John

Micou, Judith

Micou, Margaret (Cammack)

Micou, (Mr.)

Micou, (Dr.) Paul (Immigrant)

Milear, John

Miller, Catherine

Miller, Catherine (Gilchrist)

Miller, Catherine Gilchrist

Miller, Christian

Miller, Corbett

Miller, Elizabeth (Robb)

Miller, Elizabeth (Roy)

Miller, J.

Miller, James

Miller, James, Jr.

Miller, John

Miller, John Jr.

Miller, John A.

Miller, John H.

Miller, Lucy

Miller, Robert

Miller, Sarah Ottway Buckner

Miller, Simon

Miller, (Maj.) Simon

Miller, Thomas

Miller, William

Mills, James

Mitchell, Arthur Spicer

Mitchell, (The Rev.) Austin Brockenbrough

Mitchell, Bessie Booth (Aylett)

Mitchell, Charlotte Belson (Thornton)

Mitchell, Daisy (Peters)

Mitchell, Elizabeth Carter (Snead)

Mitchell, Henry

Mitchell, John

Mitchell, Lucy Thornton

Mitchell, Patrick

Mitchell, Richard Ball

Mitchell, Richard Ball, Jr.

Mitchell, S.

Mitchell, William

Moncure, E. C.

Monglothly, Timothy

Montgomery, Elizabeth

Montgomery, (Capt.) Robert

Montgomery, William

Moody, James W.

Moon, Abraham

Moore, Ann S.

Moore, Betty

Moore, Edward

Moore, Edward J.

Moore, Elizabeth “Betty”

Moore, George H.

Moore, James

Moore, John

Moore, John G.

Moore, Julia

Moore, Louise

Moore, Rebecca (Catlett) Conway

Moore, Richard

Moore, Richard (elder)

Moore, Richard, Jr.

Moore, (Bishop) Richard Channing

Moore, Robert S.

Moore, Sallie

Moore, Sally

Moore, William P.

Morgan, John

Morgan, Stuart, Jr.

Morgan, William L.

Morson, (Hon.) Alexander

Morson, Ann Cason (Alexander)

Morson, (Dr.) Hugh

Morson, Philip L.

Morson, Rosalie V. (Lightfoot)

Morson, Sallie

Morton, Cathe

Morton, Isaac

Morton, (Mrs.) Isaac

Morton, (Blacksmith) Matthew

Morton, Reuben

Motley, John Lewis, Jr.

Motley, Vivian Audrey (Farish)

Moulton, Louise

Moulton, Mary J.

Mudd, (Dr.) Samuel

Mueller, William

Murray, Ebenezer

Murray, John

Murray, Samuel

Muscoe, Salvator

Myer, (Capt.)
Nelson, Charles

Nelson, John

Nelson, Julian

Nelson, William (Gallery of Art)

Newman, William

Nichols, Ashton

Noden, Catherine

Noden, Hugh

Noden, John

Noel, Austin or (Lustus)

Noel, Donald D.

Noel, (The Rev.) Theodrick

Noland, (Dr.) Lloyd

Norris, Oliver
O’Brien, Joseph Thomas

Orr, (Capt.) Robert L.

Osuna, Ramon

Oswald, Richard

Owen, (Mrs.) (Dawson) Clayton

Owen, (Parson) Gronow

Owens, C. Albert

Owens, Henry D.

Owens, Mary F.

Owens, Sarah J.

Owens, William P.
Packard, Emory

Page, Carter Braxton

Paine, (Col.) C. J.

Pannill, Jeremiah W.

Parke, John G.

Parker, Ann

Parker, (Com.)

Parker, James

Parker, Keith

Parker, Lucy

Parker, Mary

Parker, Nancy

Parker, Polly (Frohme)

Parker, Robert

Parker, Sarah B. (Pearson)

Parker, Stafford H.

Parker, Taliaferro

Parker, Thomas

Parker, Watts

Parr, Robert

Parrish, Margaret (Care)

Parrish, Robert

Parrott, George

Passano, Leonard

Pate, (Col.)

Patterson, John

Pattie, James

Pattie, John

Pattie, Susanna

Pattie, William

Patton, Frances (Upton)

Patton, James S.

Patton, Yvonne (Mrs. Paul)

Payne, John Elliott

Peake, Catherine (Bowie)

Pearson, Elizabeth

Pearson, John

Pearson, John Jr.

Pearson, John B.

Pearson, (William) Hartwell

Pease, (Capt.) Walter B.

Peatross, Thomas

Peirce, (Capt.)

Pelham, (Maj.) John

Pendleton, Alexander Swift “Sandie”

Pendleton, Allan S.

Pendleton, Ann

Pendleton, Ann Madison (Turner)

Pendleton, Anzolette E. (Page)

Pendleton, Bettie

Pendleton, Betty (Roy)

Pendleton, Catherine (Bowie)

Pendleton, (The Hon.) Edmund

Pendleton, Eliza (Magruder)

Pendleton, Henrietta

Pendleton, James

Pendleton, John L.

Pendleton, Kate (Corbin)

Pendleton, Nathaniel Philip H.

Pendleton, Philip

Pendleton, Philip D.

Pendleton, Philip H.

Pendleton, Rosalia Virginia

Pendleton, Sarah Ann

Pendleton, William L.

Pendleton, (The Rev.) (Gen.) William Nelson

Pennybacker, (Mrs.) Albert M., Sr.

Perkins, Peter

Perkins, Thomas

Perry, Frank

Perry, Jeanette Thornton (Powers)

Perry, Micajah

Perry, Richard

Peuman (the Pirate)

Peyton, Brockenbrough

Peyton, Champe Brockenbrough

Peyton, Elizabeth Fauntleroy (Brockenbrough)

Peyton, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Brockenbrough

Peyton, Philip

Peyton, Randolph

Peyton, Sarah Jane Jefferson

Peyton, Valentine

Phelps, (Lieut.) Charles R.

Pickett, (Gen.) George E.

Pierce, James D.

Pierce, Rachel Y.

Pitkin, (Capt.) Perley P.

Pittman, Dandridge

Pittman, (The Rev.) Hipkins

Pittman, James

Pittman, Mary (Fisher)

Pitts, Thomas

Poindexter, Bettie Gordon Wallace

Poindexter, Elizabeth Wallace

Poindexter, Gordon Wallace

Poindexter, Jacqueline L.

Poindexter, (The Rev.) James Edward

Poindexter, James Lawrence

Poindexter, John Gordon

Poindexter, Katherine Gordon (Wallace)

Poindexter, Martha Reynolds

Poindexter, Mary Morse (Boyd)

Poindexter, Matilda A. (Callaway)

Poindexter, Sallie R.

Poindexter, Spicer P.

Pollard, Joseph D.

Poore, Janetta (Magruder)

Poore, (Maj.) Robert

Pope, William D.

Posner, Herbert B.

Powell, Jane

Powell, John

Powell, Thomas

Powers, Champe Brockenbrough

Powers, Champe B. Jr.

Powers, Charles Presley

Powers, David Breonard

Powers, David Breonard, Jr.

Powers, Doris

Powers, Edith Dean Gravatt (Gouldman)

Powers, Edward

Powers, Elizabeth Grammer

Powers, Frances Brockenbrough

Powers, Graham H.

Powers, James Thomas, Sr.

Powers, Jeanette Thornton

Powers, Julius Grammer

Powers, Lula Randolph (Livingston)

Powers, Marguerite Osborne

Powers, Mary Rosina (Thornton)

Powes, Rosina Gurtrude

Powers, Ruth (Andrews)

Powers, Ruth (Banks)

Powers, Virginia (Dunn)

Powers, William

Powers, William Thornton

Powers, William Thornton, Jr.

Pratt, Alice (Fitzhugh) Dixon

Pratt, Beverley Crump

Pratt, Doris (Powers)

Pratt, Eliza Hooe (Turner)

Pratt, George R.

Pratt, Helen (Graves)

Pratt, Ida Vivian Hooe (Mrs. W. C.)

Pratt, (The Rev.) James H.

Pratt, John Burkett

Pratt, Mary (Marshall)

Pratt, Richard Turner

Pratt, Richard Turner, Jr.

Pratt, Robert G.

Pratt, William Carter

Pratt, William Turner

Price, Henry

Prosser, John

Prosser, Katherine

Prosser, Roger

Prosser, Samuel

Proverb, Catherine

Proverb, Eleanor

Proverb, Walter

Purce, Irene (Hill)

Purce, John

Purce, Betty

(Queen), Caroline Anspach

Quesenberry, Emily Elliott (Fitzhugh)

Quesenberry, John James

Quesenberry, John S.

Quesenberry, Lucy Ann

Quesenberry, Lucy Ann (Bowie)

Quesenberry, Lucy Ann (Dickenson)

Quesenberry, Mary Brockenbrough

Quesenberry, William Bowie

Quesenberry, William Fitzhugh

Quisenberry, Aaron

Quisenberry, Annie Brown

Quisenberry, Betty Virginia

Quisenberry, Ella (Thomas)

Quisenberry, Elizabeth Montgomery

Quisenberry, James S.

Quisenberry, Jane T.

Quisenberry, William

Quisenberry, William Fitzhugh

Quisenberry, William S.
Rackley, John

Raines, John

Raines, Lois (Mrs. Hiter)

Ralls, Massey

Randolph, (Col.)

Randolph, (Sec. of War)

Rawlings, James

Rawlings, (Gen.) John A.

Reddy, Anasuya Y.

Reddy, (Dr.) Ramachandra Y.

Reddy, Sudhirkumar Y.

Reddy, Sunikumar Y.

Redford, Samuel W.

Reeves, A. J.

Rice, Lee

Rice, (The Rev.)

Rich, Eliza

Rich, Elizabeth

Rich, Elizabeth Mary

Rich, Flanderal T.

Rich, Henrietta

Rich, Hortense (Brown)

Rich, Tom

Richards, Joab R.

Richardson, (Capt.)

Richardson, M.

Richeson, Georgianna Smith

Richeson, Joseph M.

Riddick, Collin

Riddle, Andrew

Rives, William C.

Roach, Benjamin

Roach, Charles Preston

Roach, Elizabeth

Roach, Jane

Roach, Margaret P.

Roach, Thomas

Roach, William D.

Roane, Catherine

Roane, Mary Ann

Roane, Patrick

Roane, Thomas

Robb, Eugeina (Price)

Robb, Eugenia V.

Robb, Fannie

Robb, Helen

Robb, Helen Struan (Bernard)

Robb, James, Sr.

Robb, John Bernard

Robb, Lucy (Waring)

Robb, Maria (Pratt)

Robb, Nancy (Darling)

Robb, (Dr.) Patrick Carrick

Robb, Philip Lightfoot (of Gay Mont)

Robb, Philip Lightfoot, Jr. (of Washington DC)

Robb, Robert Gilchrist

Robb, (Lieut.) Robert Gilchrist, Jr.

Robb, Robert Lightfoot

Robb, (Mrs.) Robert (of Williamsburg

Robbins, (Capt.)

Roberts, (Capt.)

Robinson, Benjamin

Robinson, Clara

Robinson, Elizabeth Jane (Vaughan)

Robinson, George

Robinson, Hamlett

Robinson, John

Robinson, Robert Joseph

Rodes, (Gen.) Robert E.

Rollins, Ada Lou

Rollins, Albert

Rollins, Alfred B.

Rollins, Bettie B.

Rollins, Catherine V.

Rollins, Charles

Rollins, Charles W.

Rollins, Clarence L.

Rollins, Daniel L.

Rollins, Ethel R.

Rollins, Fanny (Hearn)

Rollins, George

Rollins, Hallie P.

Rollins, Harriet

Rollins, Howard M.

Rollins, Ida B.

Rollins, Ida (Noel)

Rollins, James

Rollins, James K.

Rollins, James M.

Rollins, John

Rollins, John W.

Rollins, Louis

Rollins, Nellie B.

Rollins, Philip

Rollins, Stephen Brooke

Rollins, Susan B.

Rollins, Susan L.

Ronise, Eliza

Rose, Alex

Rose, Allen

Rose, Anne (Fitzhugh)

Rose, Cornelius C.

Rose, Lovell S.

Rose, Mary (Tarent)

Rose, (Parson) Robert

Rose, Robert Alexander

Rose, Sarah Ann

Rose, Virginia B.

Ross, (Rose) Alexander

Ross, (Capt.) Edward

Rosser, (Gen.) Thomas L.

Rothsey, (Capt.)

Roubin, Angel S.

Roudybush, (Mrs.) Frank

Rowe, (Mr.)

Rowe, Thomas

Rowzee, Lodowick

Rowzee, Ralph

Rowzee, Sarah (Catlett)

Roy, Catherine (Micou)

Roy, Dorothy (Buckner) Smith

Roy, Dorothy, II

Roy, Elizabeth

Roy, Elizabeth “Betty” (of John)

Roy, Hannah

Roy, Hannah (Spires)

Roy, Hugh (Immigrant)

Roy, James

Roy, Jane (Wiley)

Roy, John

Roy, John Beverley

Roy, John (Guy)

Roy, John (of Fredericksburg)

Roy, Judith (Beverley) Kenner

Roy, Mary

Roy, Mungo

Roy, (Dr.) Mungo

Roy, Reuben

Roy, Richard

Roy, Richard (of Hugh)

Roy, Richard, Jr.

Roy, Richard (of John)

Roy, Thomas

Roy, William

Royston, Marshall

Royston, Martha (Cash)

Royston, Thomas

Rucker, (Gen.) Daniel H.

Ruffin, Virginia Dare (Harris)

Ruffner, (Lt. Col.) Robert B.

Ruggles, (Liet.) Mortimer Bainbridge

Russell, Charles
Sacra, (Mrs.) Russell

Sacra, Walter

Sacray, Butler B.

St. Leger, Elizabeth (Waight) Viccars

St. Leger, Peter

Sale, Henry

Sale, Latane

Sale, William

Sale, William, Jr.

Sampson, (Admiral)

Samuel, James

Samuel, Philip

Samuel, Reuben

Samuel, Thomas

Sanders, John

Sanders, Thomas

Satterwhite, J. H.

Satterwhite, Richard

Saunders, Hay B.

Saunders, John

Saunders, John W.

Saunders, P. R.

Saunders, Sarah A.

Saunders, Thornton

Saunders, Walton

Schools, (Dr.) Percy

Schriver, (Col.) Edmund

Scott, Bessie

Scott, Gay

Scott, John

Scott, John (servant)

Scott, John M.

Scott, (Mrs.) Martin P.

Scott, Samuel

Scott, W. W.

Scott, Walter

Scott, William

Scott, (Sen.) William

Scranage, Catherine

Scranage, Catherine (Wife of John)

Scranage, Clara

Scranage, Edward

Scranage, Elizabeth

Scranage, Ellen

Scranage, John

Scranage, Patsy

Scranage, Richard

Scranage, Richard, Jr.

Scranage, Robert

Scranage, Thornton

Seal, Anthony

Seddon, (The Hon.) J. A.

Sedwick, Anne (Alexander)

Sedwick, (Dr.) Benjamin

Sedwick, George W.

Sedwick, James C.

Sedwick, John Alexander

Sedwick, Sarah Ann Elizabeth

Serrels, Catherine

Serrels, John J.

Serrels, William

Seward, Elizabeth Grammer (Powers)

Seward, Richard Hamilton

Sexton (of St. Peter’s Church)

Shaddock, Ann E.

Shaddock, James A. L.

Shaddock, James M.

Sheridan, (Gen.) Philip H.

Shriver, John A.

Simpkins, (The Hon.) Edward P.

Singleton, Elizabeth

Singleton, Matthew

Sirles, William (see “Serrels” or “Surle”)

Skey, John

Skinker, Dinah (Thorp)

Skinker, Eliza

Skinker, Elizabeth (Bowie)

Skinker, James

Skinker, John

Skinker, John James

Skinker, Samuel (Immigrant)

Skinker, Samuel T. (son of John)

Skinker, Sarah

Skinker, W. P.

Slater, Leonard

Slaughter, (Capt.) Francis

Slaughter, (The Rev.) Philip

Slaughter, Thomas

Slosson, (Capt.) H. V.

Smith, Andrew

Smith, Augustine

Smith, Charles

Smith, Charles (of Robert)

Smith, Charles Maurice

Smith, C. T.

Smith, Dorothy (Buckner)

Smith, Dorothy (of Robert)

Smith, Elizabeth (of Robert)

Smith, Elizabeth (Widow of Robert)

Smith, Elizabeth (Bowie)

Smith, Frances

Smith, George

Smith, (Capt.) James

Smith, James

Smith, Jane

Smith, John

Smith, (Capt.) John

Smith, (Col.) John

Smith, Lawrence

Smith, Lawrence (of Robert)

Smith, (Lieut.)

Smith, Martha B.

Smith, Mary

Smith, Mary Eliza

Smith, Milton

Smith, Peyton

Smith, R. B.

Smith, Robert

Smith, (Maj. Gen.) Robert

Smith, Robert Bryan

Smith, Sarah

Smith, Thomas

Smith, W. A.

Smith, (Gen.) W. F.

Snead. Eddie

Snead, Elizabeth (Dickerson)

Snead, John

Snyder, Philip K.

Snyder, William P.

Somerville, Alexander

Southall, John H.

Spearman, John

Spencer, S. G.

Spicer, Arthur

Spindle, Jane C.

Spindle, Mordecai S.

Spires, Hannah

Spires, John

Stalcup, Eleanor (Wheeler)

Stalcup, Harry

Stanard, William

Stanley, (Capt.)

Stanton, (The Hon.) Edwin M.

Starke, Robert

Staunton, (Col.) John F.

Steelman, (Capt.) Horace L.

Stehl, Cissy

Stehl, Edward

Stemson, William

Stephney, Francis

Stern, David

Stern, David, Jr.

Stern, Elizabeth

Stern, Francis

Stern, Peyton

Stern, Peyton Jr.

Stern, Yelverton

Sterne, Ann E.

Sterne, David

Sterne, Elizabeth S.

Sterne, Francis G.

Sterne, Maria L.

Sterne, Mercer H.

Stevens, Ann E.

Stevens, Celia J.

Stevens, George

Stevens, John

Stevens, John F. T.

Stevens, Sarah M.

Stevens, Sarah “Sallie” B.

Stevens, William

Stewart, Billy

Stiff, J. H.

Stiff, Sallie

Stiff, Thomas

Stigers, John

Still, John Alexander

Stith, Mary

Stith, (Parson) William

Stitt, Cora

Stitt, William Healy

Stitt, (The Rev.) Wilson Montgomery

Stokes, Richard

Stone, (Dr.)

Stone, William

Stone, William S.

Streshley, John

Streshley, John S.

Streshley, Robert B.

Streshley, Sarah (Skinker)

Stribling, Sarah Elizabeth Taliaferro (Ware)

Stribling, Sigismund

Stribling, Sigismunda

Stringfellow, Martin S

Stuart, (Gen.) J. E. B.

Summerson, Harriet (Lucas)

Summerson, Harriet

Summerson, James R

Summerson, John

Summerson, Martha (Lucas)

Summerson, Mary Jane Hersey

Summerson, Richard

Summerson, William

Summerville, Estelle (Harris)

Surl, William

Sutton, John

Swann, Thomas

Sweet, (Captain) Henry

Swift, (Mr.)

Sydenham, Jonathan

Symmer, Elizabeth

Symmer, (Dr.) John

Taliaferro, (Dr.) Benjamin F

Taliaferro, Charles C

Taliaferro, Francis

Taliaferro, Georgianna

Taliaferro, (Grymes)

Taliaferro, James

Taliaferro, John

Taliaferro, Lawrence

Taliaferro, Richard

Taliaferro, Robert (immigrant)

Taliaferro, Robert

Taliaferro, Rose (Berryman)

Taliaferro, Walker

Taliaferro, William

Taliaferro, (Captain) William (of Essex County)

Taliaferro, William W.

Taliaferro, Zachzriah

Taliaferro, Zachary

Talley, (Col.) William C.

Tankard, R. F.

Tankersley, Catherine

Tankersley, Charles W.

Tankersley, Dorcas

Tankersley, Henry

Tankersley, John

Tankersley, Sarah Jane

Tarent, (Sheriff) Leonard

Tarent, Mary

Tarent, Mary (Brooke)

Tawes, (Captain) Leonard S.

Taylor, Bazil G.

Taylor, Catherine (Pendleton)

Taylor, Charles

Taylor, Edmund

Taylor, Elizabeth (Anderson)

Taylor, Elizabeth (Moore)

Taylor, Elizabeth T. (Hord)

Taylor, Erasmus

Taylor, George

Taylor, Henrietta (Pendleton)

Taylor, Henry

Taylor, Henry Jr.

Taylor, James

Taylor, James Jr.

Taylor, John (of Caroline)

Taylor, (Dr.) John Jr.

Taylor, John I.

Taylor, John P.

Taylor, Joseph James

Taylor, Lois

Taylor, Louisa

Taylor, Lucy E.

Taylor, Lucy (Penn)

Taylor, R. A.

Taylor, Reuben T.

Taylor, Richard

Taylor, (Captain) Richard

Taylor, Robert Alexander

Taylor, Sallie Penn

Taylor, Virginia A. (Turner)

Taylor, William

Taylor, William F.

Taylor, William H.

Taylor, William P.

Taylor, William Woodruff

Temple, John

Templeton, John

Tennant, Alexander W.

Tennant, Anna (McCay) Campbell

Tennant, Ann S.

Tennant, (Beverly)

Tennant, Dorothy (Paul)

Tennant, (Dr.) George Washington

Tennant, (Grymes)

Tennant, Helen Catherine (Balfour)

Tennant, (Hugh) Mercer

Tennant, (Dr.) John

Tennant, (Dr.) John II

Tennant, Lucy (of G.W.)

Tennant, Lucy (of Dr. John II)

Tennant, Sallie

Tennant, Sarah C.

Tennant, Susan

Thom. R. T.

Thomas, Edward

Thomas, Edward Grant

Thomas, Elizabeth (Waugh)

Thomas, Joan Elizabeth (Hicks)

Thomas, John

Thomas, Joseph

Thomas, P. A.

Thomas, Robert

Thomas, Robert Jr.

Thomas, Robert III

Thomas, Susannah

Thompson, Columbia

Thompson, James

Thomson, Ann Jane

Thomson, Ann Tester

Thomson, Ann (Wathen)

Thomson, Cornelius Bryce

Thomson, Elbert Houston

Thomson, Eleanor Sukey

Thomson, Elizabeth Margaret

Thomson, Harriet Ann

Thomson, Ira Dent

Thomson, James

Thomson, James Holland

Thomson, Joseph D.

Thomson, Lewis Hartwell

Thomson, Luther Rice

Thomson, Rebecca Patterson

Thomson, William James

Thornberry, Samuel

Thornton, Alice (Savage)

Thornton, Anthony

Thornton, Arthur Presley

Thornton, Arthur Spicer

Thornton, Augusta Wade

Thornton, Cecilia (Peyton)

Thornton, Champe Brockenbrough

Thornton, Champe Brockenbrough II

Thornton, Charley Presley

Thornton, Charles Wade

Thornton, Charlotte Belson

Thornton, Charlotte F.

Thornton, Christopher Grammer

Thornton, Edward C.

Thornton, Elizabeth

Thornton, Elizabeth Catlett

Thornton, Elizabeth (Grammer)

Thornton, Elizabeth (Newman)

Thornton, Ella Brockenbrough

Thornton, Ella Rowe

Thornton, Eva Graham

Thornton, Florence Chew (Warner)

Thornton, (Maj.) Francis I.

Thornton, Grayson L.

Thornton, Heber L.

Thornton, James

Thornton, James E.

Thornton, Jane

Thornton, John

Thornton, John Tayloe (son of C. B.)

Thornton, John Tayloe (son of P. W.)

Thornton, John Tayloe (father of P. W.)

Thornton, John Tayloe Jr. (son of J. T. and L.D.)

Thornton, Julius Fitzhugh

Thornton, Laura Hayes (Stettinius)

Thornton, Louise (Disney)

Thornton, Loulie Austin

Thornton, Lucy Austin

Thornton, Lucy Austin (Brockenbrough)

Thornton, Martha Rosalie

Thornton, Mary E.

Thornton, Mary Rosina

Thornton, Matilda Grammer

Thornton, Ned

Thornton, Peter

Thornton, Peter R.

Thornton, Philip Wade

Thornton, Polly

Thornton, Presley

Thornton, Robert C.

Thornton, Roger McRae

Thornton, Rosalie

Thornton, (Mrs.) Rosalie

Thornton, Rowland

Thornton, S. E.

Thornton, Seth

Thornton, Susan (Kenner)

Thornton, Virginia Washington

Thornton, Wade A.

Thornton, W. W.

T(h)rowhere, Joseph

Tiffey, Anna Colton

Tiffey, Julia

Tiffey, Mary Virginia

Tiffey, (Sheriff) Richard V.

Tiffey, Sarah (Washburn)

Tilley, George

Timberlake, James B.

Timberlake, Jane

Timberlake, Joseph

Timberlake, Lewis

Timberlake, Lucy

Timberlake, Mary (Bowie)

Timberlake, Mary G.

Timberlake, Polly

Tinder, William

Tinsley, Jacob

Tod(d), Charles

Tod(d), (Dr.) George

Tod(d), Lovell P.

Tod(d), Thomas

Todkill, Amos

Tome, Jacob

Thompkins, (Captain) Sally V.

Toombs, Gabriel

Toombs, Hausey (Horsey)

Toombs, Henry

Toombs, Laura

Toombs, Lucy A.

Toombs, Mary

Toombs, Otway H.

Toombs, Reuben

Toombs, Spicer

Toombs, William

Toombs, William H.

Towles, John

Towles, Margaret (Daniel)

Towles, Mary (Chew)

Towles, Oliver

Townley, Lawrence

Townely, Sarah (Warner)

Toy, John D.

Tripplett, Daniel

Tripplett, John

Tripplett, Molly

Triplett, Sarah

Tupman, (Captain) Francis

Tupman, Sarah

Tupman, Sarah E.

Turner, Anne Pendleton

Turner, Augusta

Turner, Augustine Bowen

Turner, Augustine Fitzhugh

Turner, Bushrod

Turner, Catherine Augusta (Brockenbrough)

Turner, (Sheriff) Daniel

Turner, Edmund P.

Turner, George

Turner, George P.

Turner, Harry

Turner, Henry

Turner, Isabel (Magruder)

Turner, (Dr.) James M.

Turner, Jacqueline Fitzhugh

Turner, John

Turner, John D.

Turner, Martha

Turner, Martha (Taliaferro)

Turner, Mary

Turner, Mary Cary (Bowen)

Turner, Rees Bowen

Turner, Reuben

Turner, Richard

Turner, Ruth

Turner, Sallie Penn (Taylor)

Turner, Sarah

Turner, Sarah (Taliaferro)

Turner, Taylor Fitzhugh

Turner, Thomas

Turner, (Col.) Thomas

Turner, Thomas B.

Turner, Virginia A.

Tutt, James

Tutt, Richard

Tyler, George

Tyler, (Dr.) James

Tyler, Jane T. (Quisenberry)
Underwood, (Capt.) William

Underwood, William

Upshaw, Morton

Upshaw, Robert Floyd, Jr.

Upshaw, Rosie Ella (Pratt) Blagnon

Upshaw, Virginia (Watts) Leite

Upton, (Capt.) John

Upton, Margaret (Underwood)

Urquhart, Charles

Urquhart, (Dr.) Charles

Urquhart, Fenella

Urquhart, Fenella (Duncanson)

Urquhart, Louisa (Care)

Urquhart, Nellie Love

Urquhart, Samuel F.
Vaughan, Charles

Vaughan, Charlotte

Vaughan, Cornelius

Vaughan, Elwood Y.

Vaughan, Jane

Vaughan, Joyce

Vaughan, Marguerite (Polly Powers)

Vawater, John

Venable, Charles

Venable, Elizabeth (Smith)

Viccars, Elizabeth (Waight)

Viccars, (Parson) John

Vickers, Nathaniel

Victor, Edward B.

Victor, Harriet D.

Victor, John

Victor, John, Jr.

Victor, Lucy

Victor, Maria

Victor, Sarah Jane (Doniphan)

Victor, Sarah Jane (Tankersley)
Wade, John

Waight, Elizabeth

Waight, John

Walker, Benjamin

Walker, Columbia (Smith) Darling

Walker, (The Rev.) Cornelius

Walker, Jacob

Walker, James E.

Walker, Joseph

Walker, Madison

Walker, Mary

Walker, Seth

Walker, William

Waller, (Col.) William

Walter, Henry

Ware, Cornelia

Ware, Edmonia Jaqueline (Smith)

Ware, Edward Jaquelin

Ware, Elizabeth (Alexander)

Ware, Elizabeth Montgomery (Walker)

Ware, Ellen

Ware, George

Ware, Georgianna

Ware, J.

Ware, (The Rev.) Jacob

Ware, James

Ware, Josiah William

Ware, Julius

Ware, Nicholas, Jr.

Ware, Sarah Elizabeth Taliaferro

Ware, (The Rev.) Sigismund Stribling

Ware, William

Ware, William J.

Warren, (Gen.) G. K.

Warwick, Otway

Washer, Frederick

Washer, Marguerite

Washington, Charles

Washington, (Dr.)

Washington, Earl

Washington, (Pres.) George

Washington, John

Washington, Martha (Dandridge)

Washington, Ruth (Dickerson)

Waterman, Anne (Campbell)

Waterman, Thomas T.

Watson, J.

Watts, Blanche

Watts, Charles H.

Watts, Harrison

Watts, Jack P.

Watts, Mabel Estelle

Watts, R. C.

Watts, Robert C.

Watts, Ryland S.

Watts, Virginia

Waugh, (Parson) Abner

Waugh, Alexander, Sr.

Waugh, Elizabeth

Waugh, (Parson) John

Waugh, Mary

Waugh, Philadelphia (Claiborne)

Waugh, Susannah Pearson (Binns)

Weatherly, Edward P.

Weaver, Alfred H.

Weems, (Capt.) George

Welch, Jane

Welsh, Patrick

Wenrich, W. R.

White, Ann (Grymes)

White, Charlotte Anne (Harris)

White, (Dr.) Edmund P.

White, George

White, John B.

White, Lawrence B.

White, Sarah Henderson (Dunlop)

White, Smith J. R.

White, William

White, (Parson) William

White, William George, Jr.

White, William H.

Wilfong, Annette H.

Wilfong, James C.

Wilkerson, Joseph Penn

Wilkerson, Joyce (Vaughan)

Williams, Billy

Williams, George W.

Williams, Maggie

Williams, Richard

Williams, (Gen) Seth

Willis, William

Wilson, (Gen.) James H.

Wilson, Rusty Lee

Wilson, (Col.) Thomas

Winslow, (Col.) Gordon

Womack, Calvin H.

Wood, (Col.)

Wood, Joseph

Wood, Silas

Wood, William

Woodall, A. C.

Woodall, Augusta (Fitzhugh)

Woodford, John

Woodford, Thomas

Woodford, William

Woodford, (Gen.) William

Woodford, William Catesby

Woodley, Kathy

Woodward, (The Misses)

Woolfork, Piechegru

Woolfork, Robert

Wormeley, Ralph

Wright, (Gen.) Horatio G.

Wright, J. H.

Wyatt, Joseph
Yarbrough, Hallie L.

Young, Fannie

Young, James T.

Young, Robert

Young, Samuel

Young, William

Younger, John